Couples Therapy

Trauma informed Therapy in Albany, New York

Are you struggling to feel connected to your partner?

Maybe you're constantly fighting and the people around you are beginning to notice, or perhaps you're struggling to adapt to new life situations. You may be struggling to feel happy at home or simply don’t know how to talk to your partner. Perhaps you are feeling unfulfilled and lonely.


Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

- Difficulty enjoying your day to day activities

- Struggling to feel motivated at work or home

- Difficulty engaging in relationships outside of the relationship


Couples Therapy can help.


It may feel hopeless now, but you can feel happy and connected in your relationship. You can feel safe expressing your needs and wants to your partner openly. And I can help you get there.


Couples Therapy helps you do 3 things:

- Learn communications skills and how to fight fair

- Identify the root of the issue that you are both up against

- Understanding how you and your partner relate to one another


I’ll help you move through this process, each step, tailoring to you unique needs and circumstances.  My approach to couple therapy is recognizing that neither you or your partner are the “problem”, but you are stuck in an unhelpful cycle that breeds disconnection. 


It’s time to feel safe and connected with your partner once again.

I can help you get there.

I offer free 15 minute consultations to see if we are the right fit therapeutically for therapy and to make sure that online therapy is the right fit for you and your needs. Please email me or call me to set up a free 15 minute consultation.



Q: What do sessions look like for couples therapy?

A: All sessions are done via a video platform. I always work to create a safe and non judgmental space for you and your partner to process your relationships. Sessions are scheduled for 50 minutes. Normally I send couples with concepts to work on at home, the homework assigned is dependent on what is deemed appropriate by all of us in session. 

Q: If we need therapy does that mean our relationship is over?

A: Relationships are constantly changing, as does life. As life transitions and changes occur, individuals need to learn how to adapt to those changes. People can get stuck in one way of doing things, which can make it difficult to see the other ways available to resolve the same issue. This is very common and an outside perspective can help you recognize/identify new ways to resolve the same issues.

Q: I am a private person, I don’t want others to know I’m in therapy!

A: In therapy, there is a confidentiality clause which means that as a therapist cannot disclose what is discussed in sessions or that you are even a client. I also believe clients bring what they are ready to work on to session. Due to this, I do not pressure individuals to discuss things they are not ready to discuss or are uncomfortable discussing. Another helpful aspect is that all sessions are completed online and not in an office setting, this provides clients with more privacy when accessing treatment. 

Q: How long do we need to be in therapy?

A: The length of treatment depends on the frequency of sessions and the openness of the couple. Normally clients complete couples therapy in 15-18 sessions depending on what they are working on in sessions and outside of sessions.

Q: How do we get started?

A: You can email or call me to set up a free 15 video consultation to make sure we are a good fit for services.